On May 7, 2019 an international workshop held at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen and hosted by FGMM-member Regina Kreide is dedicated to questions on "Human Rights Between Facts and Norms".
2:00–2:15 pm
Welcome & Introduction – Regina Kreide (Justus-Liebig-University Giessen)
2:15–3:15 pm
Overcoming Fear of Metaphysics on the Road to Substantive Realism about Human Rights and Other Normative Truth – William Talbott (University of Washington Seattle)
3:15–4:15 pm
Human Rights Beyond Naturalism or why "Equality" is not a right but an Axiom – Arnd Pollmann (Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin)
Chair & Discussant: Jürgen Bast (FGMM-member, JLU Giessen)
4:15–4:45 pm
Tea and Coffee Break
4:45–5:45 pm
Is Migration a Challenge for Cosmopolitan Political Philosophy? – Andreas Niederberger (Duisburg-Essen University)
5:45–6:45 pm
Just War Theory and the Challenge of Changing Techniques and Practices of War – Nadia Mazouz (Philipps University Marburg)
6:45–7:45 pm
Humanitarian Intervention and Human Rights: The Case of Venezuela – Francisco Cortés Rodas (University of Antioquia, Medellìn)
Chair & Discussant: Michaela Hailbronner (FGMM-member, JLU Giessen)
8:00 pm
End of Workshop
Location: Zeughaus Senckenbergstraße 3, seminar room 3, Giessen